6학년 2반

스스로 생각하고 결정하며 살아가자!
알차고 즐거운 우리반
  • 선생님 : 최민수
  • 학생수 : 남 15명 / 여 12명

나무를 많이 심자

이름 안호진 등록일 20.10.29 조회수 28

Let's plant a lot of trees.

Have you ever heard adults say that you have to plant a lot of trees?

Last year, a forest fire broke out in the Amazon, measuring 40,000 square kilometers, and having an area equal to that of Kyushu, Japan.

The forest has been burned to ashes. We have to plant trees as much as the forest is burned. 

이전글 인종차별 영어
다음글 전염병 (1)