6학년 2반

스스로 생각하고 결정하며 살아가자!
알차고 즐거운 우리반
  • 선생님 : 최민수
  • 학생수 : 남 15명 / 여 12명

한국인이 한국어만 잘하면 되지

이름 왜 영어를 하는겨... 등록일 20.10.29 조회수 9

The reason why we should keep our social distance is because of Corona 19 which is popular these days.

If you keep a distance, you can prevent saliva from popping.

Corona 19 is infected by saliva contact, so if you distance yourself from saliva splashing,

It can prevent contact.

In addition to Corona 19, you can prevent other viruses such as flu, cold, and so on.In fact, it's safer to stay home than stay away, because it's dangerous outside the covers.^^



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