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1312 엄성휘 COVID-19
작성자 *** 등록일 21.05.09 조회수 147
kakaotalk_1620569971178.mp4 (63.95MB) (다운횟수:263)





We've caused a lot of daily changes in a period of about two years because of Corona now. Many things have changed, including our raw rhythms and social interactions, mask use, and personal quarantine habits. I think the most changed of all is face-to-face culture. Before Corona, we usually shake hands when we meet people or hug them when we are closer. And wearing a mask was not common.  But that culture has changed since Corona. In addition, people at school, at work, and personally, the government's social distancing policy made them less likely to   met. But we humans acted accordingly. When we met, we greeted each other with our elbows instead of shaking hands, and when we couldn't meet at school, we took video classes and changed the place of consumption from offline to online. In addition, they minimized the situations in which they would meet and talk in private, and followed the quarantine rules when they met. This face-to-face culture change will affect our society in many ways in the future. For example, we went to the gym and didn't exercise well because of Corona. But those who really need to work out started a home workout. This is a very good example of us going through the Corona situation. We will see less of each other in the future, and leisure life will also develop from what we can do with many people to what we can do with individually. Also, online stores are likely to develop more than offline stores due to different consumption patterns. We've tried so hard so far, but we haven't gotten out of the Korona situation. But I can. If we develop this culture better in the future and abide by quarantine rules. We can do it. It's like overcoming an epidemic in the old days

이전글 1212이가빈 COVID-19
다음글 반승우(1205) driving a team`s success