

 안녕하세요:) 전주근영여고 영어방송동아리


저희 동아리는 영어에세이 작성 후 영어방송을 내보내고 자체 영상제작을 바탕으로 전주 근영여 GEB유튜브 채널을 운영하고 있으며 다양한 주제로 영어 포스터 작성 후 게시판 게시하는 활동등을하며 영어 방송부라는 이름에 걸맞게 다양한 매체를 이용해 영어에 대한 흥미를 가질 수 있는 동아리입니다유튜브 채널  https://youtu.be/f0z1oWqHbFs 





20720 황수연

이름 채원 등록일 20.11.09 조회수 60

Hello I'm going to talk about charming fragrance. The beauty of a perfume can be true because you can feel the beauty even though the fragrance is invisible. I think the scent is the only beauty you can feel even if you cover your eyes. Incense has a charm that brings back memories of the time when I want to remember the special moment. Regardless of the appearance, I was interested in the characteristics of expressing and remembering that person, store. For example, when you travel to sea and have fun memories with people you like, you smell the perfume that you sprayed on that day or the smell of the coastal area, which can be reminded day, when you return there, smell it again. If you remember a specific scent when you have good memories, don't you remember those days if you smell it again later? So, I am interested in perfume because I can remind my memories with scent and know my taste at that time.


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