월성초등학교 로고이미지


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This school is located 6km to the south–east of Gimje situated between beautiful hills, thus the name green-school.

In the 60 years since the school’s establishment, over 4100 students have graduated, with talents gained from their education by dedicated teachers.

Our school is a place of Learning, a place of sharing knowledge, and where the school, its student’s learning-fun. And the students have detected the basic direction of the learning centered curriculum.

Basic, Primary education for the training of students is the teachers’ responsibility. The students are to learn confidently and without fear, having the power in themselves to learn independently. This has raised a strong focus on individualized education.

Like a home the school generously cares for the kid’s minds with comfortable classrooms and a beautiful Teosbati outside. Without heavy bags and burden, the students enjoy their learning, playing with their friends.

Also, we can see each for global education, foreign language, and multicultural understanding. The teacher and faculty participate in cultural creativity, specializing in respect of other cultures, receiving praise, and Dreams of the heart. The school works hard for global talents and human nature.

It is a very bright future, with Love for children as its transforming power .

Thank you for the interest and warm encouragement.

2012. 3. 1

Principal of Wolseong Elementary School Kim Young-Jun