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3학년 김태현 학생, 한미교육위원단 발행 잡지 편집자 선정
작성자 *** 등록일 17.05.17 조회수 601
    한미교육위원단(풀브라이트)에서는 연2회 학생들의 에세이, 연구, 시를 포함한 문학작품을 내용으로 하는 문학잡지를 발행합니다. 올해 고등학생 편집자 지원자 전국 4곳이 선택되었는데 우리학교 3학년 김태현학생이 선정되었고, 지난 14일 첫 회의를 서울에서 가졌습니다. 활동모습을 담은 영상입니다.
Twice a year, the Korean American Educational Commission ("Fulbright") publishes a literary magazine featuring essays, research, poetry, and artwork from grantees (Fulbright teachers) and their students.

This year, the staff of Infusion hosted a competition open to high school students at Fulbright-participating schools. Students would apply to be student staff editors, joining our staff in Seoul and assisting in the evaluation and editing process of works submitted by Korean students. 

Applications were released February 1st and due March 12th. 김태현 of Jeongeup High School was chosen as 1 of the 5 students in Korea to be selected for the opportunity. 

On Sunday, May 14th, he traveled to the Fulbright Office in Seoul where he met current Fulbright English teachers from the United States, assisted in the editing and revision process of works submitted by Korean students, and participated in discussions hosted by guest speakers from the Korean American Educational Commission.

Jared Thompson

Infusion magazine website: infusion.fulbright.or.kr

Fulbright Commission: Fulbright.or.kr
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