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Speeches W.B 19-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.09.20 조회수 234
WB 19 Sean.docx (11.62KB) (다운횟수:114)

Class: Canberra

Name: Jenny

Hello I am Kim Song.

I’m in the first class of 5th grade at Gunsan Shinheung Elementary School.

My favorite subject at GELC is music because I like music the most among all of the subjects.

I learned a lot.

It was a short time but it was a great time.

If I have a chance next time I would like to come again.

Thanks once again.

Name: Wendy

Hello my name is Wendy from Canberra class.

I am 12 years old.

It’s time to go back.

I want to stay here a long time because there were many fun things.

There were many interesting subjects too.

My favorite subject was art class because we made shrinkles there.

I liked it but my favorite subject was not just art class.

I loved everything because it was so fun.

I will miss GELC’s teachers and GELC.

Goodbye and see you again.

Name: Natalie

Hello my Korean name is Yoon-Ji Kim and my English name is Natalie.

I’m 12 years old and in 5th grade.

I attend Shinheung Elementary school but now I’m attending GELC.

I’m in Canberra class.

I stayed about one week at GELC.

It was very fun studying because all the teachers are kind and funny.

I like all the subjects but my most favorite subject is P.E.

I like sports.

We played basketball and I think I’m good at basketball.

GELC is a fantastic school.

Lunch is yummy, there are many board games, and the library has a variety of books.

We spoke only English but it was not boring!

I want to stay here, I’m so sad.

Goodbye GELC teachers.

See you again.




My name is Sean. I enjoyed this week a lot because of the good teachers and friends. All the lessons were fun and I am glad to have learned not only English but also gained other knowledge through this experience. If I go to America, I will feel very confident.

The stamps made me competitive and I think I worked harder because of it. I am sad that this experience is over. If I get another chance, I want to come to GELC again.

class: Ottawa

name: Brittany

My name is Brittany.

I’m from Ottawa class.

First I will start with the good points.

I like the teachers; they are so kind, funny and considerate.

Secondly, there is something I want.

I only went to GELC for one week; but I want to study here for longer.

Lastly, I will leave this message for the teachers.

I was so happy this week.

Be healthy, cheer up and be happy!

Thank you for listening to my speech.

이전글 Speeches W.B 20-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 18-19