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Speeches W.B 18-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.09.06 조회수 222



Hello Everyone,

 My name is Skye. I was very excited to come to GELC, it was hard but fun. I was waiting for lunch time and it did not disappoint. Lunch was very delicious.

It was fun to attend different classes and it’s too bad that it’s already over. I want to come again soon, and learn more English. It is a great opportunity.

I would like to say thank you to all the Korean teachers for teaching me English.

Thank you and Goodbye!

class: Ottawa

name: Doyle

Hello my name is Doyle, my GELC name is Charlie and my full name is Doyle Kim.

It has only been a week since I came here, but I think that it was beneficial for me and especially for other students to practice their English.

English is a very useful language and I think it is one of the easiest languages. It is used in many rich countries around the world.

I think GELC is doing a great job in encouraging people in Korea to learn English so that they can eventually use it confidently.

GELC and other schools like it simulate a small English speaking environment. I personally feel that GELC is a good place for beginners. It is a good platform to teach something bigger, so students can think about their future.

Thank you.

이전글 Speeches W.B 19-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 17-19