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Speeches W.B 17-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.07.19 조회수 290

Class: Canberra

Name: Aileen

Hello I am 예림 from Canberra class.

I was happy while attending GELC because of all of the classes we did.

The pizza I made with my friends was really delicious.

Face painting, art, math, history, emergency, P.E., science, camping, tour, and movie were also very fun.

It was really interesting to play dodge ball with 회현 elementary school during lunch time.

The food was so delicious.

Thank you to all of the cooks.

Thank you to all of the teachers, I love you very much.

Thank you to all of my friends.

I will miss these times.

Thank you.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Hunter


My name is Hunter. I learned English with Will, Stuart, Sarah, Carter, Rahma, Sam, Minhee, Kyoungsun, and Louisa teacher. My favorite class was every class! I was so surprised at how delicious the school lunch was. Thank you, chef! I feel like these teachers are good brothers and beautiful sisters, so I want to study here 100 more times! I want to go to GELC School, not my school.

Thank you for listening to my speech.



class: Ottawa

name: Justin

Hello my name is Justin from Ottawa class.

When I came to GELC for the first time I felt shy, because I have never studied English with a foreign teacher before.

But day by day I grew more and more interested.

We studied lots of subjects like: science, P.E, cooking etc.

My favorite class was science class because it is my favorite subject.

I made a sugar rainbow. It was very exciting.

Today is the last day of class.

I’m so sad, I will miss you.

I hope to see you again.

Thank you, goodbye.

name: Harry

Hi I’m Harry.

I felt a lot of things whilst studying at GELC.


First I met a lot of teachers who have various talents and abilities.

Everyone was so kind, so thank you for that.

Secondly, lunchtime was very enjoyable. The lunchtime staff were very friendly. Unlike at our school, we got to refill our trays. So I was very satisfied.

Thirdly, I can’t forget playing dodgeball with William Teacher. He was like Thor. Fortunately he was on our team. I would have been very scared if he was an enemy. He is a wonderful teacher. The match between Ariul and Hoehyeon elementary school is one of my favorite memories.

Finally all the lessons were fun and exciting. Especially in bank class where I got a lot of stamps and I was able to fill up my stamp sheet quickly.

And tour, cartoon, news, emergency and art were all fun. The five days I spent here were so precious. I made new friends and met great teachers. I will not forget this experience and I would like to come back if I have the chance.

Thank you. 



 I am Fraser from London class. This week at GELC we had cooking class, math class, emergency, bank, and so on. In those classes I learned that we can enjoy many activities Even if you didn’t enjoy it, you can enjoy the feeling that you achieved something. The classes were fun. Especially cooking, bank, restaurant, and emergency. The games and activities were also very fun. I played dodgeball during lunch time. I was a little angry because of my desire to win but it was still a good time. After this week, I want to learn at GELC again, if I can.

Thank you to the teachers.

The End.




Hello GELC students!

   I am Karen. I am representing London class. Before I started writing this speech, I was thinking to myself “How should I write this speech? “ How can I write about what everyone is thinking?”

In GELC we had many experiences: science, art, math, culture, wildlife, emergency, etc.  Many students tried to get many stamps, and for this simple motive they became better at English. I think GELC is meant to help you enjoy learning English, without making it difficult for students that feel that English is hard.

We felt happy, excited and enjoyed our time. We had a few fights but everyone is different and we each have our own talents. The good feelings surpassed the bad feelings, and this weel will stay as an impressive memory forever.

Here is what some students wanted me to say on their behalf:

“Please say thank you to the teachers!” 

 Lunch is very delicious, it tastes fantastic!”

 “Peter teacher is kind!”

 “ Carter teacher is very handsome!”

 “Rahma teacher is very fun!”, etc.  I am sorry I can’t write everything.

Goodbye everyone and I hope we meet again,

From London Class,


이전글 Speeches W.B 18-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 16-19