군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 16-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.07.12 조회수 250

Class: Canberra

Name: Lisa

Hello everyone! I’m Lisa and I took many lessons with Canberra class this week.

At GELC I was very happy because the teachers were very kind and gave many stamps.

The many classes were so fun.

I was helped by my friends and I helped my friends a lot.

The teachers are very kind and are great at teaching, thank you.

I think the teachers are polite and good at listening when we talk.

Canberra class was fun, I was very happy in that class.

Friends are so kind and fun and I smiled all day.

For helping me I felt very thankful.

You are very good friends and teachers.

I was very thankful.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Class: London

Name: Claire


I am Claire from London Class.

When I first came to GELC, I was a little bit scared because I thought GELC was a scary place. But, my thinking was wrong. I met lots of teachers and I was very happy that I could study and speak English with them.

First, I met SeoWoo teacher, who is the London Class Homeroom teacher, and then I met Rahma Teacher. Studying English and playing games, the first day flew by. Then, the second, third, and fourth day went by.

I really enjoyed cooking, bank, and emergency class. On Wednesday and Thursday, during lunch time, I played dodgeball with Will Teacher, I will never forget it. It was very nice.

Although we fought a lot, I still made many new friends from other schools. Also, I was happy to collect stamps. This week was so wonderful, I have no words to describe it. I has some great experiences and I thank the teachers.

Bye Bye

Class: London

Name: Karen


    My name is Karen, from London Class. I really enjoyed my time here at GELC. I enjoyed learning new things that I don’t have a chance to learn at school. The most interesting subject was Camping because it was fun to make tents and pick up things.

The lunch was delicious and lunch time was a lot of fun. Thank you for teaching us. I love GELC.


Class: London

Name: Hazel


 I am Jan Ga Hee, English name Hazel.

The first day at GELC was the best because I made a friend from Aryul Elementary School. On the second day, I had a lot of fun with the Aryul kids. On the third day, we had classes and a good meal. We went to the PE room and played dodgeball. Aryul was too good.

I will miss all of my friends from Aryul. Ms Rahma and Ms SeoWoo were my primary teacher, I hope to see you again.

I wish I could learn English at GELC in sixth grade. It was so much fun.


이전글 Speeches W.B 17-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 15-19