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Speeches W.B 13-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.06.21 조회수 295

Class: Canberra

Name: Aileen

Hello my name is Kang Se Rin.

In Canberra class my name is Aileen.

When I was doing orientation on day 1 I met the teachers at GELC.

I thought it would be fun after seeing them.

It was fun to learn about London during tour, it also looked like you were in a real airplane.

Also I remember Charlie and the Chocolate factory during the first class of the second day. It was fun because we did dubbing.

Emergency class was fun because we did lots of motions and played games.

When I made pizza during the cooking class it was fun and delicious.

After lunch I went to the gym and played dodge ball. It was even more fun because the teacher was so good.

On day 3 I did science class, the experiment was more interesting because the teacher taught me in a fun way.

It was fun face painting during culture class and learning traditions from each country.

It was fun to see endangered animals during wildlife on the fourth day.

It was fun learning shapes in math class.

We played basketball and played games. It was fun.

Thank you teachers for your fun classes!

class: Washington D.C.

name: Gavin


My name is Claire and my Korean name is Choi Ko Won. I am 12 years old.

I was very happy to visit GELC this week and I really liked playing dodgeball with my friends. I want to play dodgeball again.

I also liked face painting because I like to draw pictures. Lastly, I loved cooking because I want to be a chef. The school cafeteria was very good!

GELC is different than my school and the eco-bag is good to have!

My English has improved through this visit. I made many friends and they were very kind. The teachers were kind and smart. I want to return next year.

Thank You!


My name is Gavin, and I am in the 5th grade. I am here to talk about my week at GELC. When I first got here, I expected things to be exciting because the school was so big and there were many things to do. I took various classes here, some of which were P.E., Math, and Art class. I was very happy with each class because they were interesting and fun. It was nice to learn English in such a natural way, playing games and collecting stamps made the classes more enjoyable. This was especially true for Cooking class, because we cooked! By participating in the activities, I was able to understand the class and enjoy the content. GELC is more fun than normal school class because of all the activities. I did not know the teachers at first, but now I know them very well! I want to have more classes, but I cannot, so I hope to come to GELC again. I want my friends to come to GELC, maybe we can come together during vacation. Next time I will try harder and get more stamps! My friends would love this place!

Thank you for listening to my speech.



이전글 Speeches W.B 14-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 12-19