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Speeches W.B 10-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.05.24 조회수 282

Class: Canberra

Name: Eric

Hello, I’m 강건 from Canberra class.

This place was so much fun. I learned news, learned athletics, and learned the arts.

Everything was fun.

But today is the last day.

I want to come again if I have a chance next time.

I am too sad. It was a special English experience and it was so fun to be with native English teachers.

I love all the teachers here.

Bye bye.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Dylan

Hello friends and teachers, 

My name is Lee Jung Hyun, and I am twelve years old. I go to Gunsan Seo Hae elementary school. Learning English at GELC is not boring, it is exciting and fun! Maybe everyone thinks this, too. If you ask me to come back to GELC, I will say “yes!”

Thank you to all of the teachers for teaching me English with many fun activities. Maybe my friends think this, too!    

Thank you for listening to my speech.



class: Ottawa

name: Alan

Hello, my name is Alan.

I studied English at GELC for one week.

It was a fun experience and I believe my English improved.

I’m grateful to the teachers at GELC.

We studied math, P.E, camping, tour and many other subjects.

I want to come to GELC again.

I will miss studying at GELC and the teachers here.

I love Gunsan English Learning Center.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

class: London

name: Irene

Dear Teachers,

    Thank you to all of the teachers. I am so sad that this is the last day, I will never forget my experience here.

We had a lot of fun this week. I would like to thank our teachers for the good memories.

Thank you very much!

I will miss you a lot.

Always be happy,

Goodbye Teachers!


이전글 Speeches W.B 11-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 09-19