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Speeches W.B 07-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.04.26 조회수 264

Class: Canberra

Name: Lisa

Hello! My name is Lisa and my Korean name is 김서현.

I was here for one week.

I had a good time with good teachers.

There were so many interesting times and good memories, even though I saw a lot of fighting, crying, and students getting hurt.

First of all, thank you teachers for teaching a lot of English here.

Also thank you to my friends, it was fun to be together.

Thank you.

Class: Canberra

Name: Shannon

Hello I am 송지유.

I will present my 5 day experience at GELC.

Before I came here I was not interested in English so I thought it would not be fun.

But from the first day of class my mind changed.

I made a presentation in Bank class so the teacher gave me a lot of stamps.

This experience was more fun than I thought.

The most special class was cooking class.

The pizza I made in class was so delicious; I wanted to eat it again.

I had a good time at GELC.

I’m sad because today is the last day.

This experience gave me confidence and more interest in English.

Thank you GELC teachers. I will not forget this time.

My presentation is over, thank you for listening.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Hannah

Hello everybody, 

My name is Hannah, I am from Washington D.C. class. I have been at the English learning center for one week. Today is the last day, and it came so fast! GELC is really fun! The most interesting subject is P.E. I played basketball in P.E. It was very fun, but it wasn’t fun from the start, the team balance was not right, and our team was not doing well. The teacher joined our team, but we still lost! The game we played was really fun! I tried very hard in every class, and because I tried so hard, I earned over 150 stamps! I felt so happy! GELC has great lunch, and there are many things to do during lunch as well. I think I would like GELC to be my school. The teachers are very nice and funny. Thank you teachers!

Thank you for listening to my speech.


class: Ottawa

name: Grace

Hello everyone,

I’m Grace.

I went to GELC for a week and the most interesting classes were: cooking, airplane and art class.

Cooking class was fun because I made a pizza by myself.

Airplane class was so realistic because I could hear the sound of the airplane taking off.

Art class was good, I made my own keyring. It was fun.

It was fun to shop in store class with our stamps.

I studied a lot of different classes.

I hope I can study more at GLEC in the future.

Thank you.

class: London

name: Dianne


    My name is Hea ye eun. The most memorable activity I did at Gunsan English Camp was making pizza and playing dodgeball. The teacher I liked the most was the director.

Thank you for your kindness and for teaching me.



이전글 Speeches W.B 08-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 06-19