군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 33-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.12.21 조회수 204

Class: Canberra

Name: Isabelle

Hello I’m Isabelle from Canberra class.

I’m here to tell you what we learned at GELC.

In art class we learned how to make key rings.

In restaurant class we learned how to set forks, knives, and spoons. Also we learned how to order food in restaurant.

In bank we learned that a bank is where we get, borrow, and put money.

In clinic class we learned that a clinic is a small hospital.

In emergency we learned when there is an emergency and who we should call.

In cooking we learned how to make a pizza.

In store we learned how to pay money for things.

In Tour 1 we learned about London and in Tour 2 we learned what to do if there is an airplane accident.

In history we learned about Vikings.

In science we learned how to make a sugar rainbow.

In music we learned tea, coffee, and Coca-Cola.

In movie class we dubbed “Sid’s Spooky Halloween.”

In news we learned how to do an interview.

In camping we learned what we need when we are camping and how to make a tent.

I want to thank all of the teachers for teaching us.

Also I want to thank everyone for listening. Good bye!

class: Washington D.C.

name: Quinn

Hello everybody,

My name is Quinn, and today I will tell you about how things were at GELC. We had fun studying English, we learned new words and sentences. During class, we got to try new things that we don’t get to do at our school. Time seems to have passed very quickly. It is already the last day! We are all happy that we go to come to GELC. I would like to come back if I have a chance. We will always remember our time here!

Thank you for listening to my speech.


Class: Ottawa

Name : Jessica

Hello, I’m Jessica in Ottawa class. After studying at GELC, I felt I learned a lot.

I learned how to answer questions in airplane, I learned how to spend money, I learned about restaurant etiquette and I learned many other things.

I met many kind teachers and I met new friends.

The lunch was very delicious.

I felt that my English skills improved a lot.

I tried to answer a lot of questions, so I got stamps quickly.

In cooking class, we played a team game. We checked the answers and we made pizzas then ate them. It was so delicious because I made it.

I think GELC looks like a middle school in America.

In the library I saw many different kinds of books.

Going to GELC was a good experience for me.

Thank you to all the GLEC teachers.

이전글 Speeches W.B 01-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 32-18