군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 24-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.10.26 조회수 179

Class: Canberra

Name: Irvin

Hello. My name is 유승민.


My favorite subject was science, but all of the subjects were fun after I came here.


Also 경선 teacher’s class was fun.


It’s a shame that today is the last day ㅠㅠ.


Thank you for your attention.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Molly

Hello everybody,

My name is Molly; I am from Washington D.C. class. My favorite class was Cooking class. Will and Kyoungson taught us how to make a pizza, and it was very delicious. We also made a cozy tent in Camping class. I don’t like English, but GELC English lessons are very fun! The teachers are very nice and kind. I want to come back again to see the GELC teachers!  

Thank you for listening to my speech.


class: London

Name: Irene

Hello everyone. I am Irene from London class. I was happy to meet new English teachers at GELC. It was only for a week but learning English here was very fun.

I would like to introduce some good things to you. In bank class I got to know the money of other countries and I got many stamps. In tour class I got to go on a plane simulator. That was great!

The English teachers were the best. All the English teachers were very kind and friendly. I liked Mr. Will the most because he is handsome and gave me many stamps. Thank you for listening to my speech. Goodbye!


NAME : Rebecca

Hello I am Rebecca in Ottawa class.

Today is the last day of school at GELC, which is a really bad day.

All the students feel this way.

I met many teachers in various subjects such as: restaurant, P.E., cooking and camping.

I really want to come here every day.

We did immigration before class, cooking, art and first aid.

I had a happy and free week here at GELC.


NAME : David


Hello everyone,

My name is David from Ottawa class.

I will introduce GELC.

We studied art, bank, science, cooking and many classes.

My favorite class was cooking class, I also liked bank class.

We learned about many different kinds of money.

I feel happy at GELC, I had a lot of fun.

We made new friends at GELC and the lunch was delicious.

The teachers at GELC were very kind, they are: the Director, Peter teacher, Angelina teacher, Yumi teacher, Minhee teacher, Kyeongsun teacher, Louisa teacher, Stuart teacher, Sarah teacher, Sam teacher, Carter teacher, Rahma teacher and Will teacher. Thank you so much to the teachers, see you again, goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B 25-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 23-18