군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 22-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.10.04 조회수 168

Class: Canberra

Name: Wendy

Hello my name is Wendy and I’m from Canberra class.

I learned English for one week at GELC.

Sometimes I did not understand English but I participated in class.

My favorite class was cooking class because I like cooking and I enjoyed it with my friends.

At lunch time I ate lunch and we could play dodge ball or watch movies.

I made many new friends.

I felt like the GELC teachers were very good and they were always laughing.

It seems like there were only happy things here.

class: Washinton D.C.

name: Hunter

Hello everybody,

My name is Hunter; I am from Washington D.C. class. My favorite class this week was Camping class. I got to hang out with my friends and play in a tent, it was very exciting! We ate lunch together and play dodgeball in the gym as well. I will not forget these awesome memories. Okay, that’s a wrap!   

Thank you for listening to my speech.


Class : Ottawa

Name : Monica


Hello, my name is Kim So Jung.

I love GELC.

I am so grateful to the teachers.

Thank you Kim Min Hee Teacher.

Thank you Will Teacher.

Thank you GELC.


I’ll miss you.

I love GELC.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

이전글 Speeches W.B 23-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 21-18