군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 21-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.09.21 조회수 165

Class: Canberra

Nmae: Natalie

Hello I’m Natalie from Canberra class.

When I first came to GELC I didn’t make many presentations because it was strange and awkward.

But it became more interesting as I greeted and made presentations with my teachers and friends.

The classes on various subjects were really fun.

I ate delicious lunch with my friends.

When I played dodge ball with my friends and teachers during lunch time it was really fun!

After this week of classes I felt confident in English and thought that I should study English harder.

Thank you Yumi, Mini, Peter, and 경선 teachers for helping us in our class.

Thank you to all of the handsome and great teachers: Will, Stuart, Sam, and Carter.

And thank you to the very nice and kind Rahma and Sarah teachers!

Thank you!

class: Washiington D.C.

name: Gavin

Hello everybody,

My name is Gavin; I am from Washington D.C. class. I am sad that today is the last day at GELC. The most interesting class at GELC is Store, because I solved a quiz and I earned money to shop with, but I was sorry not to be able to buy many things. I would like to thank the teachers for working with me – thank you!

Thank you for listening to my speech.


이전글 Speeches W.B 22-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 20-18