군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 19-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.09.07 조회수 170

Class: Canberra

 Name: Bria

Hello. I’m from Canberra class and my name is 형서은.

My favorite classes were history and cooking because they were both fun.

I made a mini pizza in cooking class, it was delicious.

The history class was fun too. 장보고 and the Vikings were very similar.

P.E. was fun and special. I loved all the subjects.

Also the food was always good.

Movie was fun, the class feeling was good. I always look forward to watching movies.

The emergency class was good too because we learned about CPR. I am happy to do it whenever someone needs help.

Art was fantastic because I made a penguin with clay. Although I did not make it well it was still good.

Store was very good because of the games and having cash to buy things. I bought GELC clothes and candy.

Thank you for your attention and listening to my speech.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Elijia

Hello everybody,

My name is Elijah; I am from Washington D.C. class. My favorite thing about GELC was the teachers, they are very kind. My English abilities have improved because of GELC as well. Thank you very much! I will always remember GELC, I love GELC! Have a good time!

Thank you for listening to my speech.


 Class : Ottwa

 Name: Junho

Hello my name is Junho.

It was hard when I first came here. But as I stayed longer it became easier.

It was so much fun.

I am on the program with many of my friends.

I want to build good friendships and become close with the other students.

It was fun to earn a lot of stamps. I have been working hard for decades.

Now I have forgotten that English is hard.

I think this was the best program.

Thank you.  

 Class : Ottwa

 Name: Sofia

Hi I’m Sofia from Ottawa class.

The good thing about GELC was that I had a fun experience through learning English.

Out of all the subjects, cooking was the most interesting. I could make my own mini pizza which was delicious and I had a lot of fun.

Also Louisa and Minhee teacher are the most impressive. Louisa teacher has a pretty smile and has kindly answered everything we asked.

And Minhee teacher explained everything kindly and made it easy to understand.

Finally, it was good to meet children from other schools through this English experience. It was interesting to learn new English expressions through the native teachers.

I want to communicate with many people around the world through using English.

Thank you everyone.

I won’t forget GELC.

이전글 Speeches W.B 20-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 18-18