군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 17-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.07.20 조회수 179

Class : Ottawa

Name : Rebecca(문영채)

Hello everyone, my name is Young Chae Moon. You can call me Rebecca at GELC.

I’ve been here at GELC for one week and I have had many experiences, it has been fun. I’m in Ottawa my teachers and Minhee and Louisa, they are very kind to us.

On my first day here, I did an orientation, and I studied culture and tour.

I learned culture with Lina teacher and Sam teacher, I made a mask.

I learned tour with Tristan teacher; it was my favorite class because he made it fun for us.

On my second day, I learned restaurant, science, store and clinic. I learned about the rules in a restaurant with Louisa teacher and Yumi teacher.

I learned science with Sam teacher and Kyeongseon teacher. It was fun because Kyeongseon teacher was my teacher in third grade. I made a water rainbow too, it was fun.

I learned store with Rahma. I bought a notebook and hair bands.

On day three I learned cartoon, camping, math, news and bank.

I learned cartoon with Yumi teacher and Louisa, I made a fantasy cartoon.

I learned camping with Kyeongseon teacher and John teacher, I learned how to put up a tent. It was really fun.

I learned math with Lina teacher and Sam teacher, I learned about different shapes.

I learned news with Peter teacher and Tristan teacher, I was a director.

I learned bank with Will teacher, I liked this class because I got a lot of stamps.

On day four I learned art with Lina teacher and John teacher, I made penguins, which were very cute.

I learned history with Peter teacher and Stuart Teacher, I studied the Vikings.

I learned P.E with Kyeongseon teacher and Will teacher; I played baseball and a running game. I liked P.E.

I learned movie with Minhee teacher and Stuart teacher. It was fun.

It’s the last day today and I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you for listening to my speech, have a good one.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Jade

Hello everybody,

My name is Jade; I am from Washington D.C. class. I first came to GELC when I was in second grade. Thanks to the teachers here, my English has improved. I had such an interesting time here! After working with teachers from other countries and kids from other schools, I think my social skills have improved, too! I would like to come back to GELC in the future. The lunch here is really delicious, but I could not eat much, because I had to let other people have a seat, so I was a little sad about that. Thank you for listening to my speech!


이전글 Speeches W.B 18-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 16-18