군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 16-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.07.13 조회수 184

Class: Canberra

Name: Rose-ann(안수빈)

Hello my name is Rose-Ann from Canberra class.

I had a good time doing many things at GELC.

Among them culture and P.E. were the most fun.

In culture class I learned about some festivals. My favorite festival is Halloween. This is because we can hide ourselves with interesting costumes.

I also liked P.E. class. In class I played basketball. I had to shoot fast and pick up bacon. I lost two games but it was very exciting.

Playing dodge ball was fun too. After lunch time we played dodge ball. Mr. Will hit me with a ball; it almost didn’t hurt because I was really excited.

I enjoyed everything at GELC.

Thank you to all of the teachers for teaching and caring for us well.

Class: Canberra

Name: Bria(서지현)

Hello my name is Bria. I am 12 years old.

I studied at the English center for a week so I want to speak about my experience.

I can’t speak English well so I learned English very hard. Now I will try to speak with foreigners.

The English center’s teachers are very great. I respect the teachers. They are all very kind, handsome, and pretty.

The food at the English center is very delicious. I want to eat it every day.

I studied very hard so that I could receive stamps.

All of the subjects are very fun.

If I have a chance I would like to come back to the English center.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Class : Ottawa

Name : Frances

Hello I’m Frances, from Ottawa class.

My time at GELC is coming to an end.

Thank you to the GELC teachers who have taught me a lot this week.

I think all of the students in Canberra, London, Ottawa and Washington D.C class learned a lot this week.

The teachers were very kind and waited for us to understand so we could study harder. I spoke a lot in class to collect lots of stamps.

My desire to finish the classes quickly changed as I realized that our time at GELC is almost over.

It seems like yesterday it was Monday, but now today is Friday.

Thank you for breaking the stereotype that English is difficult and preparing great classes for us.

Thank you for teaching and thank you to our Ottawa homeroom teacher.

I think it has helped me to study English more, and I would like to come back here if I have the chance to.

I am lucky to have this opportunity and I will always be Frances who works hard.

Thank you.

Class : Ottawa

Name : Alan

Good afternoon everyone.

I am Alan from Ottawa class.

I came to GELC and I experienced many things.

Firstly, I improved my English skills. If I go to a foreign country they will be very useful.

Secondly, I got a lot of experience here.

Thirdly, I got to learn from many native English teachers here.

My favorite subject here was all the subjects.

And I want to say to the teachers, you will never be forgotten.

Thank you for listening.

class: Washington D.C.

name: Tina

Hello everybody,

My name is Tina; I am from Washington D.C. class. I was very excited about the new classes at GELC. I was also worried about taking classes only in English, but thanks to the kindness of the teachers and the interesting classes, I really liked this place. The teachers corrected my mistakes, and they praised me for trying. I collected 150 stamps! It was very interesting to convert stamps into dollars in-order to buy things. It has been a very pleasant and happy week. Thank you to all of the teachers for working with me! I would like to visit here again!


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