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Speeches W.B 15-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.07.06 조회수 195

Class: Canberra

Name: Katie(송수진)

Hello! I’m Katie from Canberra class.

When I first came to GELC I was unfamiliar with everything being in English, but now it’s fun instead of strange.

At GELC I had a lot of fun taking bank, store, cooking, and other special classes.

The most memorable lesson was cooking. It’s the most memorable because we made a pizza with friends.

Second was P.E. we played the “up and down” game with friends. It was very fun.

It was really good coming to GELC to talk to the teachers. It was also fun taking all of the classes and collecting stamps.

Thank you GELC teachers and thank you for listening to my speech.

Class: Ottawa

Name: Alan(한지민)

At first I didn’t think GELC would be fun.

I thought it would be like elementary school.

But GELC was very interesting and all the classes were really fun.

Also lunch was really good, it was more delicious than our lunch at school.

I played dodgeball with the other students and Will teacher in the gym.

So I became friendlier with the other students and teachers.

In tour class I rode a model plane, it was so much fun.

In history class I learned about the Vikings, I was amazed at all the Viking words and things.

In store I was so happy because I bought a yo-yo.

I also learned about rainbows and I was happy to watch my favorite movie, ‘Harry Potter’.

Thank you very much to all the GLEC teachers.

Minhee teacher taught me about the GELC rules and the timetable.

Tristan teacher had a lot of fun with all the students.

The other teachers Kyeongseon, Will, Sam, Lina, Peter, thank you very much.

Finally I want to thank my homeroom teacher.

GELC is a very interesting place and I want to come here again.

Class: Ottawa

Name: Diana(김서정)

 Hello I am Dianna in Ottawa class.

First I’d like to introduce my teachers:

John teacher taught us camping, thanks to John I can set up a tent.

Stuart teacher taught us history; he explained history to us in a funny way.

Tristan teacher taught us news; we played lots of games with him.

Sam teacher taught us math, many people don’t like math and I didn’t either. But Sam teacher made me like math.

Will teacher taught us bank, the money part was difficult for me, but he explained it well.

Louisa teacher taught us restaurant, she taught us about the taste and texture of food.

Lina teacher taught us art, she gave the students lots of compliments.

Minhee teacher taught us movie, I didn’t understand everything but she explained things very kindly to me.

Kyeongseon teacher taught us science, I learnt a lot in her class.

Yumi teacher taught us cartoon, I enjoyed making a story.

Rahma teacher taught us store, it was fun and she was so kind.

Peter teacher taught us emergency, I learnt about how to help people who are in danger.

Let me tell you about my class experiences:

In P.E class we played basketball.

In science class we made a rainbow with sugar water, it was fantastic.

In history class, we learnt about the Vikings.

In camping class, I set up a tent with my team and we played a game.

In news class we had different parts like director, camera man and so on.

In math class we learnt about shapes like squares, pentagon and so on.

In bank we learnt about money.

In restaurant we learnt about the taste and texture of food.

In art class we made a penguin.

In movie class we saw a movie and did a role play.

In cartoon class we drew a cartoon story.

In store we bought things with dollars.

In emergency we learnt how to help people in danger.

In think GLEC is a perfect school, because the teachers are kind and nice.

I want to go back to GELC if I have the chance to.

I will tell my friends who are in 4th grade to enjoy GELC and do their best.

Thank you for listening.

이전글 Speeches W.B 16-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 14-18