군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 13-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 211

Class: Canberra

Name: Shannon(김은서)

Hi my name is 김은서.

My favorite thing at GELC is that their bathrooms are clean. At 용문 elementary school the bathrooms are very dirty.

Cooking class was very fun, 용문 elementary school does not have cooking class.

Lunch was very delicious, especially the pork belly. It was very, very delicious.

P.E. class was also fun. We played new games.

Finally the teachers were kind, especially Stuart teacher.

I want to come again, thank you.

Class: Ottawa

Name: Jessica(이다희)

Hello my name is Jessica, I’m in Ottawa class.

Firstly, I learned about art with Lina teacher and John teacher. I made my own clay penguin with different colors like red, blue, yellow and white. I would really like to take this class again.

Secondly, I studied math. In math I learned about different shapes such as: hexagon, pentagon, triangle, star etc.

I also did P.E class. In P.E we learned about sports like basketball.

Lastly, P.E class was the most interesting class in GELC because our team won the game. For me, I like to play games and sports such as soccer, basketball, baseball etc.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Class: Washington D.C.

Name: Lizzie


Hello everybody,

My name is Lizzie, and I am from Washington D.C. class. I was impressed by Bank class; Will teacher taught us so many things in Bank class. We learned about the money from various countries, I learned many new words, class was funny, and it was very fast. I was also impressed by Emergency class. Although I knew many of the jobs, such as policeman and firefighter, the class was still fun. We got to do CPR directly on a mannequin! Stuart teacher did a good job. All of the other classes were good and funny, too. Thank you to all of the teachers for teaching us. I love you teachers!



이전글 Speeches W.B 14-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 12-18