군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 12-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.06.15 조회수 216

Class : Ottawa

Name : Alan(정승호)

Hello, my name is Alan. My Korean name is Jung Seung Ho.

During my time at GELC my English has improved.

Thanks to the teachers at GELC, I can speak English better.

My favorite subject is P.E because I like sports.

I would like to thank the native teachers for making the lessons so interesting.

I would also like to thank my teacher Minhee for interpreting my English.

Also, I would like to thank the school nutritionist for the school meals because they were so delicious.

I want to come again to GELC if I have the chance.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Class: Canberra

Name: Wilson(문정준)

Hello my Korean name is 문정준 and my English name is Wilson.

I enjoyed new experiences at the English center for a week.

The most interesting subject was camping. I liked camping because setting up a tent was exciting. I have never set up a tent before.

My favorite time was playing dodge ball with the teachers and my friends during lunchtime. My team won games every day.

The teachers in the cafeteria were very kind and the meals were the best. The lunch gave me power.

Thank you for teaching us kindly. I want to come and take English lessons again someday. Thank you for listening to me.

class: Washington D.C.

Name: Hunter

Good afternoon,

My name is Hunter, and I am from Washington D.C. class. During the past five days, I experienced various activities, such as Art, News, Store, Science, Bank, and Emergency. My favorite class was Science, because the experiment was so fun! It was different because everything was in English, and not Korean. Everything was exciting and interesting. The five days at GELC went by too fast! I would like to come again if I have another chance. I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who guided us over the last five days. Thanks for listening to.  


Name: Madison

Good afternoon,

My name is Madison, and I am from Washington D.C. class. I thought I would do well when I first got to GELC; however, after classes started, they were actually difficult. I am sorry that my time at GELC is over. It has been such a great experience. All of the teachers were kind, whenever I had problems, they would help me. That is all.


Class : London

Name : Claire

 Hello my name is Claire. During GELC I have experienced a lot of fun things. Especially, I think the cooking class is the most interesting experience. I really enjoyed making cup pizza and eating it with my friends. Cup pizza is so delicious; I want to make it at home. The most impressive memory is that we all played dodgeball at lunchtime. It is small, but to me it was so funny. I appreciate all the teachers at GELC for being so kind. If I have the chance, I’d like to come back again. Thank you for listening to my speech. Goodbye.


이전글 Speeches W.B 13-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 11-18