군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B 10-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.05.30 조회수 215


Name : Clyde(김준기)

Hello, my name is Kim Jungi.

I was chosen from Ottawa class to make a speech.

I want to talk about my memories from GELC.

My favorite teacher is Will teacher, because Will teacher played with us and had fun with us when he taught English.

So, I want to say to Will teacher: It was fun, thank you! I hope to see you again soon!

And thank you to all the teachers.



Name: Wendy(장채은)

Hello, my name is Wendy.

I had a really fun time at GELC this week.

Rainbow layer making and pizza making was very fun.

I want to come back here and take more classes like these.

It was really fun for me this week.

The teachers were all fun.

I was happy to learn many things.

I learned about the culture and history of other countries.

I had a really fun time at GELC, I want to come back again.

Thank you.

Washington D.C

Name: Freeda

Hello, my name is Freeda, I am from Washington D.C. class. I had class at GELC this week, and I am so sad that today is the last day. All of the subjects were so interesting, among them Science and Cooking were my favorite. We made mini-pizzas in Cooking class using a muffin mold. We got to use different toppings on the dough, and now I want to make mini-pizzas at home. In Science class, we did an experiment with sugar and hot water. I was so surprised that the colors did not mix with each other! I was also very happy with the lunch, as it was very delicious! During lunch, I also got to play soccer with my friends, and if we wanted, we could watch movies, too. All of the teachers were very friendly and interesting. I wish my school taught like GELC! I want to visit again!



Name : Mary

Hello my name is Mary. I was in the London team.

I had various such classes with London team.

Thanks to the many classes I had a fun week.

I had classes in bank, science, clinic, and so on. It was really fun.

I want to come back again. Goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B 11-18
다음글 Speeches W.B 09-18