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Speeches W.B 08-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.05.09 조회수 220

Class: Canberra

Name: Lisa(오유림)

Hello everyone! I am in Canberra class and my name is Lisa.

First, I would like to say thank you to all of the teachers here who taught me to think of English as a game.

Thinking about studying English here must have been scary for us, right? But the English Learning Center helped me have new experiences.

In particular, the friendly smiles and unique humor of the English teachers helped us open ourselves so we could relax and adapt little by little. When I was frustrated I made gestures and saw them all become very friendly.

In music class the beat game was very memorable. Even more memorable than this was art class.

I feel sad that the days have passed by so quickly. I am more sad that it is already my last day of classes, but I have many good memories.

I hope to remember all of the time we spent together. Thank you.

Class: Canberra

Name: Natalie(김수윤)

Hello my name is 김수윤.

We studied at GELC for a week.

We studied music, tour, store, P.E., cooking, and history. We learned a lot.

It was very fun. I enjoyed tour class the most. I enjoyed riding an airplane.

Of course the other classes were very interesting. I think the GELC teachers are very kind.

I like the GELC teachers.

I think it was a good experience. GELC teachers thank you!

Class: Washington D.C.

Name: 이주아

Hello, my name is Paige, I am from Washington D.C. class. I have been learning English at GELC for five days, but today is the last day, so I want to tell you about how much fun I had here. When I first came to GELC, I wondered what we would do in all of the different classes, such as Tour, Store, and News. Everything was so interesting and fun, so I was excited to for every new class. All of the subjects were fun, but for me, Cooking class was the best. It was the first time I ever made a pizza cup, and it was delicious! I also enjoyed role paying in Restaurant class, I felt like I was a clerk in a famous restaurant! Thanks to my teachers and friends, everything was fun and easy! I would like to say “thank you” to all of the teachers who taught me and gave me a chance to speak English. 


Class: Ottawa

Name: 황현지

Hello, my name is Sofia and I am in Ottawa class.

This week I went to GELC and I learnt about different subjects in English, but sometimes I couldn’t understand what the teacher said.

I enjoyed all the classes but my favorite class was science. The sugar rainbow was really pretty and the layers were really interesting. Sam teacher and Kyeongsun teacher were really kind.

I thought I would just learn English because this in an English Learning Center, but I learnt about many different kinds of subjects which were useful and lots of fun.

My friends and I went to the library, watched movies and borrowed balls during lunchtime.              It was a lot of fun and the lunches were really delicious too.

Usually after five classes I am really tired, but something magical happened and I want to continue studying at GELC.

Today is my birthday and it’s nice to have my birthday here. But I am sad because today is the last day at GELC.

Studying at GELC was really fun and I want to come again next year.

Thank you.

Class : London

Name : Alice

Hello my name is Alice. I had a good time at GELC. I’ll explain what I did at GELC. GELC is interesting because I was able to learn a style of English that is not taught in regular schools or English academies.  In addition, it was a meaningful time for me to experience real life English. English that I know I will use.

My favorite subjects were cooking, science, and store. All the other subjects were fun, but these three subjects were the most interesting. Cooking class was so much fun because I got to make and eat my own pizza. Science was fun because I succeeded in making a sugar rainbow. Last time I tried this experiment I failed, but now I achieved it. Store class was fun because we made money by matching the correct answer to the quiz question. The process of buying what I wanted with the money earned was very interesting.

I want to say thank you to the teachers. Peter, Kyeong-Seon, Yu-Mi, Min-hee, Sam, John, Stuart, Tristan, Louisa, Will, and Rahma teachers thank you very much. I will miss GELC a lot. Thank you for listening to my speech. Goodbye. .

이전글 Speeches W.B 09-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.07-18