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Speeches W.B.07-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.04.27 조회수 216

Washington D.C.

Name: 변수정

Hello, my name is Kendra; my Korean name is Byeon Su-jeong*. I came here with my friends to learn English. We had so many special experiences together! I actually expected GELC to not be fun at first, but I was curious about all of the special subjects that I do not have at my school; such as Camping, Movie, and News. I learned many new vocabulary words and jobs. Among all of the subjects, my favorites were History, News, and Art. Studying at GELC was so wonderful! All of the activities were so fun, so I cannot pick the best one. My friends and I were interested all week, and it made us happy when we got stamps. I was able to role play in some classes, and I loved it! I made pizza in Cooking, a rainbow in Science, and a penguin in Art. I also got to set-up a tent in Camping class, learned about the Vikings in History, and I learned about movies in Movie class. The lunch at GELC was so delicious! I got to know many kind teachers during the week, and I will not forget them. I want to say “thank you” to the teachers, as I got to make great memories at GELC. One week is too short, but it was fantastic! Thank you for listening! Goodbye!


Name : 안유민

Hello, I am An Yumin. I feel so lucky that I got to study at GELC and make new friends. I am happy that I got to go to many different classes and eat delicious lunches. I enjoyed every single day at GELC. 

I want to thank all the teachers at GELC for teaching us and helping us while we study. I really want to study here again. Thank you to all my friends at Dangbuk elementary school for being so kind.


Name : Lesley

I had a chance to take part in GELC. There are many teachers at GELC. From Monday to today I had many classes. Cooking and PE with Will teacher and History with Stuart teacher were the most fun classes.

During cooking class we made pizza. We made a small one and put tomato sauce, cheese, and pineapple on it. When I tried it was so yummy.

In PE class we had a game. There were two teams. There was the red team and the blue team. I was in the red team. The rules were simple. There was a ball in a line. First, bring out a ball and bring it back to each team. If you tag the player before the player gets home, the player cannot score. In the beginning the other team was 4 points ahead, but one of our four players scored 8 points again. So it was 11 to 9 and we finally won. Hooray.

Last, in the History class with Stuart teacher I learned about Vikings. We learned what the Vikings liked to do, where they lived and so on. We played a card game at the end. The cards had Vikings on them and written words like sailing, fishing, farming, fighting, crafting, and exploring. There are numbers from 1 to 6 in our books. The cards are for attacking. First roll the dice and pick out the attack card and show the cards to each other. If your attack card is stronger, faster, or smarter than the other you win both cards. The winner is the one you gets the most cards. I lost the first game but I won the second game. HAHAHAHA! It was so fun!

I hope to have to come back to GELC and have a good and fun time again. Thank you for listening to my speech, Goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B 08-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.06-18