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Speeches W.B.06-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.04.20 조회수 264


E-52  Jessica ( 이다연)

Hello everyone, my name is Jessica.

My Korean name is Dayeon Lee.

I came here to Gunsan English Learning Center to learn English. I only came here for 5 days but I want to come here again because all the teachers are nice to me and my friends. Plus, the lunch was really delicious.

My favorite subject is P.E. Will teacher and Gyeongseon teacher taught me and my classmates. We played two games.

The first game was a relay race. We made two teams and when the teacher shouted ‘Go’ one student from each team ran. We had to touch the next student and that student had to run. When one student from the red team touched one student from the blue team, the red team gets a point.

The second game was another running game. We made two teams and chose numbers with a ball in the middle of the room. When the teacher shouted a number and if it was mine, I had to run to get the ball before the other student with the same number. If I got the ball I could win a point. But if the other student touched me, my team wouldn’t win a point. My team lost two games, but it was really fun.

Lastly I want to say to the GELC teachers, thank you for teaching me and my friends.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Washington D.C.


Name: 김태은 Madison


Hello, my name is Madison. I was very excited to come to GELC this week, and even though I go to an English institute, I enjoyed studying English more here. I felt as if I was in a foreign country because I talked with foreign teachers and I learned from foreigners. I built up my vocabulary here, so thank you for teaching me!



Name: Ivan(박건하)

Hello everyone, my name is Ivan Park from Canberra class. I was excited before I came here because my friends who went to GELC told me some fun stories about the teachers and the programs. So I wanted to meet the teachers quickly.

After I arrived I was surprised because it was very large and the systems were similar to our school. I was happy to see our teachers. Our class teacher’s name was 경선 Teacher. Our class name was Canberra.

We did many fun activities and I liked all of them. I especially liked lunch time the most. We had delicious lunches and played dodge ball in the gym. Sam teacher and John teacher came into the gym and played dodge ball with us. It was very fun playing dodge ball with the teachers.

One of the most interesting things was making pizza with Will teacher. The pizza was small but it was very very delicious. Other interesting things were having music class with Tristan teacher and doing an experiment with Sam teacher. All activities at GELC were fun.

If someone asks me about GELC I will say “It’s the best!!!” It is sad to say good-bye to the teachers. I won’t forget the time spent with my friends and teachers at GELC. Thanks for teaching us, teachers! I want you to not forget us. I want to come here one more time.

Name: Pete(이찬혁)

Hello, my name is Pete. I had a great week at Gunsan English Learning Center. I had good memories too.

My favorite thing was playing doge ball during lunch time. Some of the handsome teachers came and played dodge ball with the students. I think Sam teacher was the best dodge ball player.

I also have three favorite classes. My third favorite class was culture because we learned about many other country’s cultures and made a festival mask.

My second favorite was art because we made a clay penguin. The teacher gave me clay and I made a cute penguin. My friend Stella made a cute penguin, but my penguin was not good.

My most favorite class was cooking because we made a pizza! First we made dough and put on the spaghetti sauce and then put the toppings on. Finally we put it in the oven. When I ate the pizza the taste was fantastic.

I had a very very fun week at Gunsan English Learning Center.



E28 - Alison 

I love GELC School.

There is lots of English studying but it is very funny!

Day one was good!  Bank class was good!

At lunch time we ate rice and other food.  Rice is good.

I like it.  Day two is good.

Clinic is good. Cooking, History, PE, and Tour were good, too.

Every class was good.

I want to study here again. Goodbye teachers.



E49 - Kate

Hello, my name is Kate.

I will tell you about noon recess at GELC.

First, I played dodgeball with teachers in the gym.

Second, I watched a movie in the AV room.

Third we played basketball and hid and seek in the sports stadium.

Fourth, we played many board games in the student’s restroom.

Last, I read many kinds of books in the library.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Goodbye everyone.

이전글 Speeches W.B.07-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.05-18