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Speeches W.B.05-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.04.13 조회수 235


E-5, Joseph(김선혁)

Hello I am Joseph.

I have a speech for everyone.

It’s about my feelings for GELC.

GELC is a great place.

We had a great experience here.

I learned about making a pizza, rainbow experiment, and airports.

I had an exciting and fun time.

I ate delicious foods at the cafeteria.

We also watched movies.

It was a great experience.

E-17, Rose-Ann(심혜원)

Hello my name is Rose-Ann, my Korean name is 심혜원.

Today is the last day at GELC. Did you have a good time at GELC? I had a good time at GELC.

I think GELC is like an English school because there are many subjects at GELC. Math, store, bank, culture, cooking, history… They were also very fun subjects.

The GELC teachers are very nice and friendly. Sam Teacher, Will Teacher, Rahma Teacher, Peter Teacher, Tristan Teacher,  경선 Teacher, Mini Teacher, 유미 Teacher… They are all kind.

Thank you for teaching us. Bye-Bye!


E-67, Frances(김태희)

Hello, my name is Frances and I’m in Ottawa class at GELC.

First of all, I want to thank you for teaching us so well.

Secondly, I want to thank you for the delicious lunch. I think the teachers at GELC are great and I feel that the teachers put in a lot of effort when teaching us.

And I don’t know if the school lunch teacher is here, but I want to say to her: thank you, our lunch was delicious!

We will never forget our time at GELC, I have made a lot of great memories here.

I love you teachers!


E40 - Malcolm


Hello teachers and friends.

My real name is Jun Hyuk but you can call me Malcolm.

I was very shy when I first came to GELC.

I was a little embarrassed to speak English.

But, after one day I got many stamps.

Now, I am not afraid to use English and my stamp sheet is full. I am very happy and excited.

I learned many things at GELC. I liked PE class the best because I am good at PE and I like moving.

Store and Cooking were also very nice.

They’re both exciting and amazing.

We bought real items during store class and in cooking class we made our own pizza dough from scratch.

Our homemade pizzas were so delicious.

The other classes were also exciting.

I remember them all. They were packed with variety.

I enjoyed it all. I hope this festival will as funny and exciting as the classes were.

Thank you for listening to my speech. Goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B.06-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.04-18