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Speeches W.B.04-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.04.06 조회수 259


Name : 김나경 (Amy)

Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Nagyeong Kim and my English name is Amy here at Gunsan English Learning Center.

Firstly, I want to let you know that my name is Amy, not Emi.

I am in the fifth grade at Ariul elementary school.

News class was really interesting; I enjoyed having an interview with Ironman.

The Viking lesson was fun; I am really interested in Korean history.

I especially like studying about queens in Joseon history, so I want to be a history teacher.

I study Korean history very hard.

Thank you to the teachers.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Name : 김민규 (Ralph)

Hello, my name is Ralph and my Korean name is Kim Mingu.

It was fun to play dodgeball at Gunsan English Learning Center. I thought that GELC was only a center to study English at, but I didn’t just learn English, I learnt P.E too.

This experience was so wonderful, I won’t forget my time here.

In school, we can’t really make new friends. But here, I met so many new friends from different schools.

There are so many teachers at GELC. I’m so pleased that you did your best to teach us. Regular elementary schools only have one teacher teaching the class, but it was really special to be taught by many teachers.

I’m so thankful to the teachers and to GELC for giving us this special chance.

Thank you.

Name : 김주혁 (Vinnie)

Hello, my English name is Vinnie and my Korean name is Kim Joo-hyuk.

I studied English at Gunsan English Learning Center with the English teachers.

Firstly, Mr. Will teacher, who gave me stamps! Thank you for teaching us P.E and bank this week.

Tristan teacher and Stuart teacher are very fun teachers.

Sam teacher, Rahma teacher and John teacher! Thank you for being so kind.

Louisa teacher and all the female teachers, they are all beautiful.

All the male teachers are so handsome.

I will study English hard.

I want to go to Scotland, England and America. If I get the chance, I want to come back to GELC again.

Goodbye! See you again!

Washington D.C.

Name: Daniel (김현준)

  Hello, my name is Daniel. My real name is Hyun Jun Kim. While at GELC, I learned about P.E., Science, Music, Bank, and many other classes. I got to meet William teacher, Stuart teacher, Samuel Davis teacher, John teacher, and many other teachers. I was so happy to have class with all of my friends at GELC. The most interesting subject was Science. In Science class we made a rainbow with test tubes, droppers, dye, beakers, water, and sugar. First, we mixed sugar and water – it was fun! Then, we mixed dye with sugar water. I made sugar water dye in four beakers, and then I put them in test tubes. That is how I made my sugar rainbow in a test tube! It was fantastic! I hope to come to GELC again so I can learn more things while using English. Thank you for inviting us here and thank you for listening to my speech!



Name: 이태헌(Issac)

Hello my name is Isaac.

I didn’t like taking English classes with foreign teachers at first. It is difficult for me to communicate with them.

However, I enjoyed studying English from the foreign teachers. All of the teachers here taught me easily and many interesting things. So I didn’t realize the time going by during class.

Everyone thank you for your dedication. I will do my best to study English based on the classes at GELC.

I’ll remember the invaluable time studying English at GELC. Bye teachers. Once again, thanks.



E44 Laura


Hello my name is Laura.

The reason why I am standing here is I want to say thank you to my teachers.

Thank you very much for teaching me many different things.

I have changed my thoughts about English.

I used to think English was boring and difficult.

But, after coming to GELC I realized English is fun and easy.

If I have the chance I will come back again and learn more about English,

Thank you for listening to my speech goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B.05-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.03-18