군산영어체험학습센터 로고이미지


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Speeches W.B.03-18
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 18.03.30 조회수 212


Name: 신연서

Hello my name is Catie. My Korean name is 신연서. I’m twelve years old. I was born December, 26.

I want to be a vet because I like animals.

My favorite subject is music because I like instruments. I can play recorder, piano, ocarina, and the harmonica. I don’t like math because math is difficult.

My favorite animal is the lynx because it is cute. My favorite season is winter because I like snow and I was born in winter.

I have a mom, dad, brother and my pet Joy in my family. I love my family. I love my pet Joy too! Joy is cute, soft, and likes to eat. I like to play with Joy.

It is fun here at GELC. There were many games and good teachers. I like it here. GELC is very good. Thank you for listening!

Washington D.C.

Name: Emily

Hello, I am Chaehyun. Did you have fun this week? I had so much fun at GELC! What was your favorite class?

 I enjoyed Science, Music, News, Art, Movie, Cooking, and Culture. I had fun in all of the classes! Out of all of the classes, Science was my favorite. We do experiments in Science, and I like doing experiments, so Science was my favorite.

We made a rainbow! It was so beautiful! My second favorite class was Movie class. My father and I are movie maniacs. I really like watching movies on the weekend. I want to say “thank you” to my friends and the teachers. GELC had rules, and the rules helped us study English. I had a great time at GELC. I will not forget the time we shared. Thank you for teaching us!




Name : Clyde

Hello everyone.

My name is Kim Dongchan and my English name is Clyde. I’m in 5th grade, class 7. Today, I want to tell you about the special things I experienced while being at GELC.

First of all I loved Camping, P.E., Cooking and much more. P.E. was my favorite class because we did so many exciting P.E. activities.

Also playing a lot of games, getting stamps and using dollars during the store class was so much fun too.

I won’t forget the exciting memories from GELC. I want to thank the teachers for making the class enjoyable, by giving us many stamps and preparing all those fun games and activities.

Thank you all for listening!


E24 Duncan


Hello my name is Duncan. I had a great time at GELC.

My favorite class was cooking because on that day I was really hungry, so the pizza tasted extra delicious. Thank you for teaching me cooking Will teacher.

I want to thank other teachers, too!

Stuart Teacher, Sam Teacher, Yumi Teacher, Minhee Teacher, and Louisa Teacher, I love you guys.

Oh I forgot Lina teacher. She was our homeroom teacher and was a little scary sometimes.

But, I think that was just a show for us.

Thank you Lina teacher.

Lastly, it was an honor to be here. If I have the chance, I want to come back again!.

I will miss GELC.  Thank you for listening to my speech. Goodbye.

이전글 Speeches W.B.04-18
다음글 Speeches W.B.02-18