6학년 1반

안녕하세요. 여러분! 항상 건강하고 밝은 우리반 학생들이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
6학년 1반 공간
  • 선생님 : 이은아
  • 학생수 : 남 16명 / 여 13명

COVID-19 preventions

이름 이혜림 등록일 20.03.09 조회수 30

Hello, this is the captain of English teachers of Handeul Elementary School.


I want to remind all of you to please exercise the following precautions to help to protect against various infections, including COVID-19.


1. Practice hand washing by using soap and water to cleanse your hands by washing at least 20 seconds.

2. Carry a personal container of hand sanitizer to use when not able to practice hand washing.

3. Do not share personal items, food or utensils.

4. Please do not come to school if you or your family members have a fever, are coughing or sneezing, or have a runny nose.

5. Practice sanitary coughing and sneezing protocol by sneezing into their sleeve at their elbow to prevent airborne particles.

6. Please feel free to wear a face mask for prevention. They are commonly used in other regions of the world. We will work with our students to teach that this is a legitimate tactic to use for prevention of spreading germs.


It has been said that the best defense is a good offense. To this end, we have protocols in place for students, faculty, and staff in the event of any health-related issues affecting our campus community, including COVID-19.


I ask you to join me to continue to listen to our notice to prevent the COVID-19 situation.


I will see you on 23, March. Take care!

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