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A day out in July.
작성자 Penny 등록일 09.10.20 조회수 926

In July, Anderson's coworker took us on a trip to Naejang National Park, a bamboo forest and a war memorial.  It was a hot day but I had so much fun it didn't even matter. 

First, we drove through Naejang National Park.  We stopped several times so that we could enjoy the view and take pictures.   I am so glad that I live so close to such a beautiful area. 

Next, we stopped at the bamboo forest.  We found it very interesting and it was much cooler walking through the forest which was great!     There was also a store in the middle which sold some very interesting plants.  We bought several plants and made our own small garden at home.  

After the bamboo forest we went to The May 18th Democratic Uprising Memorial.  It was such a nice memorial, and SO tall!  It was nice to be able to learn some of the history of this area.   

Finally, we went to a restaurant called 'Alps' for dinner.  It was very beautiful and the food was delicious. 

Overall it was a fantastic day out!

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